That first massage can be filled with anxiety of the unknown, so hopefully you leave this reading with enough of an understanding to quell that anxiety and give you a better experience overall—whether it’s with me or another licensed massage therapist (LMT). Now, obvious disclaimer, but what I am about to describe is specific to me, and may or may not be exactly the same elsewhere. Regardless, you’re going to get a good idea of how a massage appointment flows.
Before anything begins you will need to fill out a health history form, and this usually also includes a contract between you and the licensed massage therapist. With me this is done online, and must be submitted 24hrs ahead of your appointment minimum. This gives me time to look it over, and make sure that there is nothing I need to double-check to ensure I give you the best massage tailored to your needs. Sometimes it also illuminates items that need to be cleared by a doctor for your safety, and this gives me a chance to alert you to this so you can obtain said permission. Legally, if I feel that a doctor’s permission for your safety is necessary, I cannot (in the state of New York) perform massage therapy on you until that permission is obtained; preferably in writing. Other places may allow you to fill this form out a time-of the appointment, but this means less time for your LMT to do as I stated previously.
At the appointment itself it’s always a good idea to arrive a few minutes early. This ensures that you get as much time on the table as possible, because before you even get on that table we will do a brief intake. This allows me, the LMT, to get an idea of what you’re looking to achieve with the massage—be it stress relief, releasing a muscle, or otherwise. It also allows you, the client, to ask any questions you might have.
Upon completing the intake you will be instructed to undress to your level of comfort. If there are specific garments that need to be removed for optimal massage results, we will have covered that in the intake process. While you are undressing and getting onto the table under the sheets, I will be out of the room to wash my hands. At no point will you undress in front of me, nor will you dress yourself in front of me.
During the massage you will remain under the sheets, and through professional draping techniques I will expose only the area of muscle groups I need, while I need them. Upon finishing work in the area I will cover it back up, and move on. This ensures you will never be exposed inappropriately during the massage. I will also ask for feedback as needed to make sure we are working in a way that is comfortable to you. Discomfort is not a part of a massage with me unless we discuss the need for specific techniques ahead of time, and at no point should you be in pain.
Please remember that despite me being the professional, you are ultimately in control of the session. If you become uncomfortable, if something is painful, or if you need to speak up about something in general please know that you can, and should, absolutely speak up. Even if it’s to say you need the massage to end right that moment, speak up! You are not a hostage, and at the end of the day your comfort trumps mine, the LMT’s, feelings. Pregnant ladies especially, if you need to pee please speak up, we can pause the session to let you use the bathroom.
Your time on the table depends on how quickly we can get through the intake. So generally speaking you’ll lose about 5-10min to that intake (which is why arriving a little early helps), and then after the massage is over there is a brief outtake; which is about another 5min. During your time on the table I will be quiet outside of asking for feedback, but if you wish to chat I will engage to the level you initiate. Some clients find chatting to help with their relaxation after all, and I am not here to judge someone for that.
At the end of the massage I will let you know that I am going to step out to wash my hands, and in that time to take a moment to get up, get dressed, and I will meet you back there. Both when I enter the room to start the massage, and when I enter the room to do a brief outtake, I will knock first. This allows you a warning that I have arrived in case you need a little extra time to finish clothing yourself. Once you’re decent I will re-enter the room.
The outtake will consist of me asking how you feel post-massage, and reviewing any specific things you can do to prolong the effects that you received. This is also when, if necessary, payment will be taken. Finally, this is the point where if you want to reschedule right then and there we can make that happen. If you have any final questions this is when they can be answered.
And that’s it. That’s the entire massage session. Broken down simply it’s: health history intake, day-of intake, massage, outtake for payment/rescheduling. Very, very simple process, and well worth the health benefits you receive from getting a massage.