Frequently Asked Questions

Below are questions that are asked frequently. Please take a browse through them if there is anything you are wondering about, for the answer might be closer than you think. If the answer you seek is not there, please use the methods listed to the right to contact and get them answered.

Ask a Question

If you did not see your question answered below, please feel free to contact me by:

Phone: (518)602-3506

Facebook: Visit my facebook page and use the “send message” button.

Can I receive a ________ massage?

If it is not on my services menu, then I do not offer that style of massage. In addition, if at any point you request something that is inappropriate I reserve the right to immediately rescind all services/end the session. If a session was already in progress, I reserve the right to charge you in full regardless. Please respect the profession and do not ask for inappropriate things.

Can I receive a massage while pregnant?

You absolutely can! Massage is very beneficial while pregnant, having been shown to relieve many of the symptoms associated with pregnancy, or at least make them more tolerable. In addition, it’s wonderful as a mother growing new life to have some me-time to relax, you’re body is doing a lot of hard work and you should honor that!

It is not recommended to receive a massage in the first trimester (there are some LMTs that specialize in this though), so please wait until at least your second trimester to book.

Can my child receive a massage?

Anyone of any age can receive a massage, even infants! There are massage therapists that specialize in neo-natal massage, but the youngest client I will see is at the age of 10 so long as they’re able to be patient for a massage (some exceptions made for younger children depending on circumstances, please inquire).

If the person receiving massage is still a minor, parental permission will be required for the massage to happen.

Due to HIPPA and client privacy, parents will not be able to be present during the massage itself, unless the minor requests it/is okay with it if they are over the age of 16. There is no dedicated waiting room, however the Ballston Spa Public Library is very close where one could wait if you don’t wish to sit in the hallway.

I have/had cancer, can I receive massage?

Cancer is a tricky one. If you are currently going through treatments for cancer, you will need to consult with your doctor prior to receiving a massage. Questions you need to ask are:

  • Can I receive a fluid-moving massage?
  • Should my massage therapist wear gloves due to my chemotherapy treatment?
  • Are there any other precautions I or my massage therapist should be aware of?

If you are three months or more past your last treatment, then we can move forward with little to no precautions, dependent on how the cancer and treatments affected you.

Massage therapy is wonderful for those who have had cancer, or who are treating cancer (when your doctor says it’s okay to receive). It can help the body to recover from the treatments, which are often rough on the system, and can make many of the symptoms of treatment more bearable.

Does massage contain energy work (like Reiki)?

Shiatsu massage is an energetic form of massage, and does contain energy work.

As a Reiki master, I am capable of adding energetic work into my standard Swedish massage as well.

If you do not want energy to be used during your Swedish massage, please let me know up front. I am capable of keeping it out of the session. I respect that some belief systems do not recognize the inclusion of energetic work, as well as personal boundaries regarding it.

Do I have to take off my clothes?

If you are receiving Shiatsu without adding on cupping, you will be fully clothed through the whole massage. Please do not wear a skirt or dress.

For Swedish, you will need to undress to your level of comfort. For some people this means no holds barred, and for others they want underwear left on, and some yet don’t want to take anything off. Whatever your level of comfort is, is fine. Just realize the more you remove, the more the massage therapist can access.

At no time will you be indecently exposed. You will undress in private while I leave to wash my hands, and I will not re-enter the area until you are on the table under the covers (or mat, if you have chosen Shiatsu with cupping).

For the actual massage, each body part that is being worked on (back, arms, or legs) will be carefully draped so that only the area that’s being worked on is exposed at a time. This will never include sensitive areas like genitals or for women, breasts.

Can I book a massage via an app?

You sure can! Click here to be brought to my online booking service. This allows you to make your own appointment within my availability, without having to call, or text.

There are limitations with this. First, you must book a minimum of 48 hours in advance, and no more than 30 days. Second, you and I won’t have any communication before the massage, unless of course you contact me outside the app.

How do I get a gift certificate?

You can get a gift certificate by ordering via my online shop if you want a physical certificate mailed to you via USPS, by making a retail appointment to stop by and pick one up in-person, or by going to the Services Offered page and following the instructions to get a digital gift certificate emailed directly to you.

Do you take walk-ins?

No. My business is by appointment only, and appointment time slots vary. To avoid you either showing up and not being able to see me due to me being with another client already, or to show up when I’m not in at all, you need to make an appointment.

Can I book a same-day appointment?

Unless I have specifically posted on Facebook about openings, no. All appointments need to be made at least 48 hours in advance.

This is also true if I have offered you an appointment 48 hours in advance, you will need to respond before 9pm that evening with final confirmation (for which you will receive an email) to lock in the appointment time. Failure to do so means that the appointment will not be booked.

What do I do if there is inclement weather?

In the event of inclement weather, be it a snow storm, icy roads, kids ended up with no school, etc.; please do not feel obligated to come to your massage. All I request is that in this instance you give me a minimum of a 90min heads-up before the start of your appointment that you cannot make it due to the current weather/travel conditions/etc. No massage is worth life or limb, not to mention we cannot predict when the kids are suddenly out of school (this applies for sick kiddos, too). Similarly, if the weather is treacherous for me I will give you at least a 90min heads-up. In all cases of this, we will look to reschedule your massage for when it’s convenient (and safe).

My kid is home sick, now what?

Kids get sick, it happens. When they do it’s important that they have a family member present to take care of them in most cases. If you find yourself in the position where you have a sick kid at home, and you simply cannot step away, just let me know 90min in advance of the start of your appointment, minimum, so we can reschedule your massage. Family comes first, always.

When should I call and cancel my massage?

Under very few circumstances do you have to cancel your massage. In most cases, a massage can be modified to work around an area that should not receive that kind of work.

First and foremost, you should call and reschedule if you are ill. This is for both your sake, and the sake of the LMT and other clients. The best way to prevent the spread of illness is to not expose others to it, when possible.

Second, if you have consumed anything that is mind-altering you should reschedule. This includes alcohol, marijuana, and similar drugs; but also prescription medications for pain that you are taking for an acute (not chronic) issue. When you are under the influence of these substances, it can cause the massage to become unsafe because you are unable to adequately communicate with the LMT. It is also NYS law that a massage therapist cannot knowingly work on someone who is under the influence of anything like this, so if you show up in such a state, services will be refused.

Can I receive a massage while I have an illness?

If you have a cold (or similar), kindly reschedule your massage. There is a risk that you could be contagious, and a massage will bring us into close contact with each other.

In addition, a massage will make you feel 100x worse than you already do. One of the benefits of massage is that it gives your lymphatic system (the one responsible for helping deal with disease) a temporary boost, but in doing so when you have an illness means that it intensifies it. It also means that you won’t have to deal with it for as long typically, but you will feel like you were hit by a bus, then it backed over you, and ran over you again.

So in short, no, not from me. Please reschedule.

Can I receive a massage after surgery?

Massage can be very beneficial when you are post-op, but is not for everyone. Depending on how long it has been since your surgery, the massage therapist will probably need to speak to your doctor and/or surgeon to determine if you can receive fluid moving massage. In many cases, massage is indicated, but has to be modified so as not to disrupt the healing process.

If you are specifically looking to help reduce inflammation (swelling) after surgery, there are massage therapists that specialize in Lymphatic Facilitation. I do not currently specialize in this.

How do I redeem a BSBPA Gift Certificate?

The use of a BSBPA (Ballston Spa Business and Professional Association) issued gift certificate is the only exception to first time clients being required to book online. This is because all first-time clients are required to pay in full prior to the appointment while booking online, and the BSBPA gift certificates are not in my software to fascilitate this.

If you wish to redeem your BSBPA gift certificate with me, please call or text me to let me know and I will manually add your appointment to my calender. Please have a full name, good email address, good phone number, and service desired ready for me upon contact.

It is important to note that the full gift certificate must be surrendered at time of appointment. If the amount of the gift certificate is greater than the cost of the services, a cash amount will be returned to you for the difference. Partial gift certificates cannot be accepted, as I must surrender it in full to the Ballston Spa National Bank for cash value.

If the cost of the appointment is greater than the value of the gift certificate, you will be required to use another payment method to satisfy the balance due at the time of appointment.