Regarding COVID-19

by | Mar 13, 2020 | General News

There is a lot of news right now focusing on the pandemic known as COVID-19, or Coronavirus. Many government agencies are advising the practice of social distancing, which is trying to avoid contact with large groups of people to limit and slow the spread of this disease. We are being advised to wash our hands regularly and properly, and to be alert for signs and symptoms if we think we may have been exposed. There’s also a lot of bad science out there, so I would urge anyone who is unsure to check the CDC or the WHO websites for the best, up-to-date information regarding this virus.

As far as receiving massage goes, I will remain open during this outbreak. As a licensed practitioner in NYS I am required by law to wash my hands both before and after your massage, so you will always receive bodywork with clean hands. I am also required to use a fresh set of linens for each client, meaning you are never sharing someone else’s sheets. I disinfect the table and office surfaces after every massage with the same kind of cleaning agents they use in a hospital to reduce the spread of disease in general, not just COVID-19. In addition I already have policies in place for illness, outlined below.


In general, if you are sick you should not receive a massage. Not only does it pose the risk of spreading the infection to someone else (I rent a space in a multi-tenant building), but receiving a massage while sick will only make you feel worse before you feel better. Massage has the ability to reduce the length of time you will be sick, but that is because you feel all the symptoms in a shorter time frame, not because you get less of them. So for example if you would have been sick for 10 days, massage might make it only 5, but you’ll feel twice as sick for those 5 days than if you let it run its course over the full 10.

Should the day of your appointment arrive and you feel ill, please do not hesitate to contact me to reschedule your massage for a later date. I do not charge a missed appointment fee if you have to reschedule or cancel due to illness. All I ask is that you contact me at bare minimum no less than one hour before your massage is due to start.


If I should fall ill I will always contact any appointments that day no less than one hour before the first appointment of the day to advise as much and to reschedule them. Since I am a sole practitioner I do not have someone else I can request to handle my massages for the day, and I do not wish to make anyone else sick (plus I simply cannot do my best work if I am ill, and I don’t feel right charging for that kind of work).


I understand that there is still a lot of concern surrounding this pandemic despite experts’ best efforts to make sure we remain alert, not anxious, and if for this reason you become uncomfortable with the idea of coming to receive your massage please let me know so we can reschedule it. We each must make our own decisions as to how we wish to practice preventative measures, and I will not be judging anyone who chooses to stay home. After the stress of this though, a massage will be extremely beneficial so even if you choose not to receive one during this time or to reschedule a massage you had already booked, I do highly recommend coming to see me after it’s all over with and things return to a more normal flow and pace.

If anything else should change in regards to how I will be handling this as a business, I will be sure to update you. Should you have any questions or concerns with how I am handling prevention at my office prior to your appointment, please do not hesitate to reach out to me to have a conversation.



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